Performace Tracking

Passion and creativity charge us up, then numbers guide our way.

Imagine putting together a puzzle only to realize you’re missing pieces. That’s what you’re doing if you’re not tracking the results of your efforts online. How can you really get the whole picture with blank spaces?

a female VentraLocal employee seated next to a client showing her their performance data for the month

If you’re not measuring, you’re guessing.

Tracking the performance of your search ads, website conversions, and social media ad conversions is like keeping a fitness tracker on your marketing efforts. It tells you what’s working, what isn’t, and how much bang you’re getting for your buck. By monitoring these metrics, we can see exactly how your audience interacts with your ads and your site. This insight lets us tweak our strategies, optimize your budget, and ultimately, boost your conversions. Think of it as the pulse-check that keeps your marketing efforts healthy and effective, ensuring you’re always reaching your goals with precision!

A screenshot example of a performance tracking screen showing stats.

Monthly reports keep you informed.

We meticulously monitor the performance of every facet of your marketing plan, then simplify the results and provide you with a breakdown of the information, so you can see only the information you care about. Performance tracking reports show crucial (and interesting) stats:

  • How many new visitors vs returning visitors to your site?
  • Where did they click through from (referral source)?
  • What search terms did they use to find you (if searched) and on what search engine?
  • How many contacts did you receive through online avenues (website form fills, tap-to-calls, etc.)
  • What pages did your audience engage with?
  • Where are they located?

We leverage this info into actions.

the owner of an HVAC company that Ventralocal has helped with marketing

“Greg at Ventralocal Digital Marketing is beyond the best. He knows marketing and will steer you down the right path.”

ELI CASTANEDA | Precision Air HVAC  –  Read Their Success Story

Phone call tracking (optional)

Phone calls convert to revenue 10 times more than web leads. Clicks & impressions, despite a decade of media adoration, aren’t as highly valued by many businesses as a ringing phone. Call tracking can pinpoint which ads, search keywords, content & campaigns generate calls, opportunities and revenue (and which aren’t ).

  • We can insert unique, trackable phone numbers in your marketing to add visibility into “what happened next” and identify the most fruitful channels of your marketing. Studying this information, we can direct marketing dollars to the channel that is generating the highest quality leads per dollar invested.
  • Call tracking data reports will be auto-emailed each month for easy cross-reference. How many calls became new clients?​


Value of Lead Sources (small to med business)*

  • Phone Call 66% 66%
  • Online Forms 58.2% 58.2%
  • In-Person 54.1% 54.1%
  • Email 43.7% 43.7%

BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor™ (LCM) study of consumer media consumption habits reports 66% of small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) rate phone calls as a good or excellent source of leads, followed by online forms (58.2%), in-person (54.1%) and email (43.7%).

Let’s get growing.

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.


Call us

614-859-9291  Ohio
302-433-6311  Delaware


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